Tuesday, April 30, 2024

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10 Tips to Become an Excellent Team Lead


Effective leadership creates successful workplaces, meticulous workforces, and profitable organizations. Every team requires an excellent manager to become productive, and hardworking employees thrive under a captivating executive.

However – despite what you may think of yourself – just 1 in 3 employees trust you. Most leaders fail to motivate their workers or make them perform exceptionally. Why? They lack the skills necessary to enhance one’s leadership capabilities and motivate the workforce.

In every organizational setting, managers, leaders, and executives are tasked with enabling, empowering, and encouraging their teams. They bolster the team’s productivity via delegation, motivation, and instruction to achieve their business objectives and make an organization successful. If you want to hone your team-leading skills and capabilities, the following tips will surely suffice:

  1. Learn the basics

The business world is changing rapidly, and leaders can’t rely anymore on traditional leadership methods. Modern-day leaders must evolve to become familiar with shifting customer preferences and tech-dependent workplaces. Expanding your intellectual horizon and academic standing will prove worthwhile in this regard. You can explore the basics of leadership in an exponentially changing world by pursuing an online course from a reputable institute.

That’s how you can improve your leadership capabilities professionally.

  1. Know your team

Connect with workers to become a better team leader and know them personally to motivate them. Remember that leadership involves influencing people to make them productive enough to achieve business objectives.

Determine your workers’ strengths and weaknesses to realize what motivates them to work harder. Every worker may have different motivators, and learning all such motivators will make you a better leader. Next, reward those who are working harder.

  1. Reward diligent workers

It’s a no-brainer that rewards make workers more diligent. Studies show that productivity increases by 31% when employees are happy, and this sense of recognition comes from leaders recognizing the hard work of a certain employee.

Excellent team leads know how to reward workers and when. A worker may require public displays of approval, while another may prefer unannounced words of encouragement. Learn how to reward each worker according to that worker’s unique preferences.

  1. Delegate tasks tactfully

Nothing says “I trust you” than trusting a worker with crucial tasks. Leaders who delegate tasks to their workers can easily win their trust and inspire hope among employees.

When you trust a person with a responsibility, you’re expressing your faith in that person. But ensure you’ve clarified your expectations of your workers and let them know what kind of outcomes you desire. Monitor their progress after assigning them tasks and reward them when they perform as expected.

  1. Encourage personal growth

Leaders shouldn’t just focus on growing themselves professionally but must also encourage personal growth among workers. Invest in their continued training and lifelong learning to gain their trust and boost employee morale.

Statistics indicate that one-half of workers are looking for new skills to continue their careers. Given this statistic, provide your workforce with professional development opportunities to encourage faster growth and enhance employee retention.

  1. Lead by example

Leadership involves not just instructing people to do something but leading them by example. As the team lead or manager, you’re supposed to be a role model for your people. It’s often difficult to inspire hope in a workforce with mere words, but it’s easier to motivate them with your actions.

Let your dedication and diligence exhibit how devoted you are to the company’s business objectives and values. Let your character speak for itself – influence everyone through your actions and commitments. Eventually, you’ll be able to motivate your workforce towards attaining organizational goals more enthusiastically.

  1. Give feedback

Effective communication is hailed as the hallmark of a competent team leader. And communication involves giving honest feedback to employees so they can improve themselves and overcome their weaknesses.

A survey indicates that some 44% of workers feel heard when they receive feedback from their bosses. Even negative feedback, when given correctly, helps your workers improve their performance, making you a better leader. So, uphold the productivity of your team by giving and also receiving constructive criticism/feedback.

  1. Let others speak

Employees trust their leaders when leaders allow them to speak their minds. That’s why it’s crucial to arrange monthly meetings where people are allowed to communicate, share their unique ideas, and come up with innovative solutions.

Effective leadership involves actively listening to others, particularly your employees. If someone hesitates to express their opinions publicly, allow them to message anonymously. Never cut down the line of communication. Recognize the possibility of some workers being smarter than you about certain business aspects.

  1. Welcome new ideas

Not entertaining workers’ creativity doesn’t reflect well on your leadership capabilities. A study has shown that 64% of workers complain about leaders making decisions without taking their input or suggestions.

So, leaders should allow employees to share their ideas, express their opinions, and suggest new solutions. Be receptive to what your workers have to say since they may come up with a worthwhile idea for the company. Never turn down an idea just because it’s coming from someone way down the ladder.

  1. Share failures too

Leaders should focus on honesty, humility, and transparency. Learn that exceptional managers don’t just celebrate successes with their workers but also share the responsibility for failures. Bad leaders blame their teams for failures; good leaders accept accountability for the actions of their workers.

Humility is the mark of an excellent team leader and manager. It makes workers trust you more and helps you justify celebrating their winnings. And most importantly, transparency improves employee retention alongside boosting their loyalty to the organization.


Effective leadership begins by motivating and inspiring your subordinates. While leadership is considered crucial across all organizations, many fail to understand its true essence. Excellent leadership demands knowing your workforce, rewarding their hard work, delegating duties strategically, and encouraging personal growth. Likewise, it necessitates leading by example instead of authority and offering continuous feedback on performance. But most importantly, allowing workers to share their ideas and taking accountability for their failures are hallmarks of effective leadership.



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